Mudando o foco: sobre mídia digital e democratização da info

Saindo um pouco do campo das artes plásticas e caindo para o lado das políticas da informação:
The Association for Progressive Communications presents a new issue
paper focused on the Latin American reality.

DIGITAL TELEVISION AND RADIO: Democratisation or greater concentration?
By Gustavo Gómez Germano

Digitalisation of media is an approaching reality for Latin American
countries. This technologic paradigm shift promises more democratic and
diverse access to radio and TV frequencies. However, there is also a
great risk of reproducing the same inequalities and power relations that
exist in the “analogue” world and thus of media being in the hands of a
few. This paper illustrates the political and regulatory implications of
an apparently technical and thus neutral phenomenon. It also suggests
advocacy priorities to create a more informed and active civil society.

Download full versions here: [English] [Spanish]

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