El proyecto “Intervenciones TV” propone el medio televisivo y la televisión en internet como soporte para propuestas de creación audiovisual. Reflexión sobre el lenguaje televisivo, píldoras de carácter publicitario o experimental, cuestionamiento del medio y de su mensaje, insertos por sorpresa en la programación, en la red, en la pantalla.
El tema general de la convocatoria de “Intervenciones TV” es: “Televisión: espacio público y privado”.

Las piezas. Se podrán presentar una o varias piezas siempre que la duración total de los videos enviados no exceda de tres minutos. Las piezas serán accesibles a través de la web

Un proyecto de Fundación Rodríguez producido por Montehermoso

The Non-Age


The Non-Age at Kunsthalle Winterthur
Kunsthalle Winterthur

The Non-Age

“In the future the idea of youth won”t make sense
anymore as everyone will try to dress, think and act
as an eternal young (wo)man.”
Michel Maffesoli

If Marc Augé coined successfully the concept “non-places” in the 90s, we could rely on this idea as a starting point and launch the concept “non-age” as a term that in a challenging manner reflects the complexity of ageing in our hyper-consumer society.

As such, “The Non-Age” too questions relational, historical or sociological ideas and preconceptions concerned with ageing and old age, and especially the relationship that individuals have with this “new adulthood” in terms of income, health, social relationships, aesthetic image, and leisure.

Why the “non-age”? “Because we are experiencing –explains Paco Barragán, co-curator- progressively a canon of age in which youth, maturity, and adulthood become, both mentally and physically, one sole category within which the problems of youth become a concept that refers to the problems of any one of us in general, independent of his or her age. These “new adults” pursue goals by means of attitudes and strategies that, according to our puritan society, do not coincide with those commonly associated to or concerned with their age.”

9° Bienal de Video y Artes Mediales Chile 09

Mande seu video!


ENTREGA DE MATERIAL: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, sede Quinta Normal, Av. Matucana 464, Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile.
FONO: 56-02-9771753

Se invita a todos los artistas latinoamericanos a participar en la 9ª version del Concurso Juan Downey. Se realizara en el contexto de la Bienal de Video y Artes Mediales / 20 de agosto al 13 de Septiembre de 2009 / Museo de Arte Contemporáneo_Quinta Normal.

Esta 9ª versión pone como urgencia la preocupación sobre la situación actual de la indistinción que se hace en el campo de los medios digitales convencionales con respecto a la sociedad de consumo y su tendencia tecnócrata, el uso irresponsable de los medios de comunicación y su efecto en la sociedad del conocimiento, y la debilidad relacional y estética del paradigma actual en el arte digital.

Es por eso que el eje fundamental de la siguiente bienal es la “RESISTENCIA”, y más específicamente la “RESISTENCIA CRITICA”, la cual funciona como un filtro y amplificador de reflexiones y obras que ponen en evidencia esta condición, y a través de sus contenidos, contribuyen al proceso formador y reflexivo del espectador.

Se adjunta la convocatoria y la ficha de inscripción. Si tiene problemas en la descarga, visite
BVAM es una iniciativa organizada por la Corporacion Chilena del Video y financiada por el Consejo del Arte y la Industria Audiovisual del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y de las Artes de Chile.

Saludos y se ruega difundir,

Equipo 9° Bienal de Video y Artes Mediales Chile 09

BVAM_09 <>
info (a)
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo
Parque Forestal s/n, Santiago Centro
Santiago de Chile
56 977 17 53


Este é o segundo e último fim de semana para assistir ao espetáculo CARNE, de Micheline Torres, no SESC Copacabana. Após o espetáculo haverá os comentários de Ricardo Basbaum (6a) e Charles feitosa (sáb). Às 20h (sex e sáb); 19h (dom).

foto: Manuel Vason
foto: Manuel Vason

Criação e direção Micheline Torres
29/maio a 7/junho
Sala Multiuso – Sesc Copacabana
Sextas e sábados, às 20h e domingos, às 19h.
Ingressos a R$ 10 (inteira), R$ 5 (estudantes, idosos, classe artística) e R$ 2,50 (comerciários)
Duração 50 min
Classificação etaria 18 anos

Viradão Carioca

Já chega tarde o evento Viradão Cultural no Rio de Janeiro, que é de extrema importância para ressucitar circuitos culturais da cidade. Ainda que possamos nos incomodar com eventuais manobras políticas, e o uso indevido do nome do Viradão por casas que querem apenas promover seus eventos regulares, não se pode rejeitar este acontecimento.

Segue aí o link com a programação do final de semana:


CALL for proposals:

August 13-16 in Aizpute (Latvia)

!!!!!!! Deadline: June 8, 2009

The 4-day symposium gathering together artists, activists,
technologists, scientists and researchers, to share their ideas and
explorations which deal with renewable energy resources, alternative
ecological use of technologies, and other sustainability related

– – – –


Environmental science and ecology – Ecosystem research –
Permaculture and biosystem design – Biomass as renewable energy
resource – Critical and alternative approaches to biotechnology

Sunlight as constant energy resource – Process of photosynthesis –
Solar energy technologies
[open source]
Sustainability using open source/information approaches: in art and
grassroots culture, ecology, architecture and environmental design

[myths & legends]
Historical traditions and modern alternative solutions –
Speculations – Critical, utopian or scientific visions of future
terrestrial energy

– – – –


The symposium will take place in artists residency center SERDE in
Aizpute, a small town in Kurzeme region of Latvia. SERDE is located
in old wooden historical building (that also will be used as a
specific case for which alternative and ecological approach in
developing sustainable systems and renewable energy technologies can
be explored and applied).

– – – –


For this symposium, we invite those interested to send their
proposals in relation to above mentioned themes,
to the following email address: <2009 AT> (and/or )

!!!!!!! Deadline: June 8, 2009

– – – –

Travel and accommodation/subsistence will be covered for 10
participants from Baltic and Nordic countries, and for 2
participants from EU countries.

For others, participation costs include:
1) admission – free
2) travel (to Riga) – has to be covered by participants (local
transportation from Riga to Aizpute will be provided by organisers)
3) accommodation – 10-25 eur per night

– – – –

The outcomes of the symposium – new projects, artworks, co-
productions – will be presented during the international art and
science conference ENERGY that will take place in the framework of
Art+Communication festival in Riga, October 15-17, 2009.

Symposium is organised by RIXC, the center for new media culture
with the support of Nordic Culture Fund.
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Cinema experimental+Música ao vivo

Cinema experimental+Música ao vivo no Plano B
com Michelle Agnes e Cristiano Rosa
Data: 06 de junho de 2009 – 20 horas

Regen (Holanda, 1929)
Direção: Joris Ivens
Duração: 14 Min.

Ãœberfall (Alemanha,1928)
Direção: Ernö Metzner
Duração: 22 minutos

Vormittagsspuk (Alemanha, 1928)
Direção: Hans Richter
Duração: 9 Min.

Plano B – Rua Francisco Muratori 2a – Lapa – Rio de Janeiro

Michelle Agnes
Compositora e pianista, doutoranda pela USP. Desenvolveu pesquisa de mestrado na Unicamp sobre o som no primeiro filme sonoro de Dziga Vertov. Em 2003 foi premiada com uma bolsa da Unesco para residência no estúdio do IMEB (Instituto Internacional de Música Eletroacústica de Bourges – França). Sua produção artística além de peças instrumentais e eletroacústicas inclui também música para cinema, dança, teatro e instalação.

Cristiano Rosa (pan&tone)
Trabalha com instrumentos eletrônicos vivos em seu projeto pan&tone, através de brinquedos antigos modificados pela técnica de Circuit Bending e aparelhos eletrônicos construídos. Produtor de música experimental desde 1989, quando fazia colagens com fita cassete amassadas, microfonias e percussão em sucata. 1990 até 1999 colaborou com outros artistas experimentais em exposições, instalações e performances. 2005 iniciou sua pesquisa em Circuit Bending, Hardware Hacking e novas formas de produzir áudio e vídeo através de mecanismos construídos à mão. A partir de 2006, começou a fazer shows utilizando como base circuit bending, samplers e alguns sintetizadores.

CuratorLab – International Curatorial Program

Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
Call for Applications CuratorLab – International Curatorial Program
Call for Applications 2009/2010

Application Deadline June 30, 2009

CuratorLab is an international self-directed curatorial course dedicated to the advancement of curatorial practices based on research in the arts, crafts and design. It is designed to offer time to conduct research and to explore new directions and ideas in order to develop artistic or theoretical work while linking academic study to cultural projects.

The program offers the participants the possibility to develop and realize one individual or collaborative project in the form of a public presentation, i.e. exhibition, lecture series, publication, screenings, seminar, for which CuratorLab provides professional feedback and practical support as well as a moderate research/production budget.

The final form, and where it will be presented, is decided by each participant in dialogue with his or her personal advisor.

CuratorLab will arrange guest lectures by professionals, and provides each participant access to the faculties across Konstfack’s nine departments, visiting curators, critics and practitioners, and be welcomed into graduate seminars and classes.

Dependant on the individual aims and research topics of the participants the faculty will assist in contacting art institutions to arrange lectures, to set up meetings with professionals in the field, as well as schedule studio visits with artists and designers in the Nordic region.

Participants will be introduced to Konstfack’s Nordic and international network in arts, design and craft.

Applications are accepted once a year, to enter in September 2009. The program is flexible. It can be divided over different intervals over the academic year and it is not required to be based in Stockholm full time. The final schedule will be determined during the first meeting mid September in Stockholm.

Tuition at Konstfack is free of charge. The university college has no scholarships to offer students.
For more information on study in Sweden please visit and

Requirement for Application
MA degree in fine art, art history, critical studies, architecture, crafts and design and / or equivalent working experience in independent curatorial practices or within institutions.

Application Deadline 
Applications must be received by June 30, 2009

Application Form
For further information and application form please visit our website:

For more information please contact:
Renée Padt
Programme Director CuratorLab

University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
Stockholm, Sweden.